Special Effects
Charcoal has many uses for Special Effects & Set Design
Charcoal for Pyrotechnics & Theatrical Design
The Dorset Charcoal Company has experience of supplying for both large and small theatrical productions.
Whether it is Charcoal Powder being used for theatrical pyrotechnics, or charcoal dust and half burnt timbers being used for set design, we can sustainably produce what you need.
We have proudly supplied charcoal for special effects in: Star Wars - The Rise of Skywalker (2018), Game of Thrones - Season 8 (2018), Fury (produced at the Pinewood Studios in the UK in 2013), Johnny English, Outlander, UK Pinewood Studios as well as other effects companies across Europe. (Who would of thought? All the way from Dorset!)
We also supplied Charcoal for props in the production of Dead Woman's Ditch... the story of a murderous charcoal burner! Performed by the Wessex Actors Company (2002).
Specific grades and species of charcoal provide specific effects, so please Contact Us to discuss your requirements.

We are proud to announce we have been listed as a sustainable supplier to the TV and Film industry by the Bafta We Are Albert scheme. This reduces the carbon footprint of TV and Film productions.
By using our biochar and incorporating it into the soil after film shooting you are actually carbon capturing,(burying carbon) hence offsetting any negative carbon costs i.e. flying. This also massively benefits the soil by the way.
Dorset Charcoal can also be used for:
Sustainable charcoal cooking for crew caterers
Charcoal powders for SFX and pyrotechnics
Set design and dressing with our powders, biochar, and half burnt timbers
We offer a renting service offered for large volumes of biochar (dust and small particle charcoal)